Sony has waggled its fingers and whipped back the velvet curtain obscuring August’s PlayStation Plus offerings on PS4. But is that a gasp of delight or distain from the audience when WipEout Omega Collection and Sniper Elite 4 are revealed?

WipEout Omega Collection, you might recall, first came to PS4 back in 2017, gathering up PlayStation 3’s Wipeout HD (and its Wipeout HD Fury expansion), alongside Vita’s Wipeout 2048 – with all included futuristic racing action being given the remaster treatment.

There’s improved lighting and textures across the board, with the final experience offering 60fps at 1080p on PlayStation 4, and a boost to 60fps at 4K with HDR support on PS4 Pro. And as an additional treat, it works with PSVR too.

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Source: Eurogamer WipEout Omega Collection, Sniper Elite 4 are August's PlayStation Plus games