When the Neo Geo Mini launched last year, a lot was said about how poor the controls were. While the original Neo Geo hardware has some of the finest gamepads you’ll ever experience – even if the button layout is a little odd – SNK dropped the ball in terms of control options for its Mini console. The gamepads looked the part but felt like cheap knock-offs you’d find at a dollar store.
People were also disappointed with the system’s HDMI output. While the included screen had the correct aspect ratio and was relatively clean, putting the device out to your television made everything look like it was smeared with Vaseline. Worse still, none of the included options really helped things, with smoothing selections distorting the pixels and no option to play in a pixel-perfect mode.
So here were are roughly nine months later and a new Samurai Shodown-themed variant of the Neo Geo Mini is available. The expectation, apart from an altered list of pre-included games, was that some of the issues from the previous model would be fixed for this new one. Did any of the complaints noted last year get improved?
Sadly, no, but this bundle at least contains a hell of a game selection.
Source: Destructoid The Samurai Shodown Neo Geo Mini has better games, but it’s still mostly the same device