Control launches toward the tail-end of August, so Remedy has given PC players a heads-up as to what kind of specs they’ll need. Actually, that already happened two weeks ago.

When Control‘s PC requirements were first released in July, something seemed off. A GTX 1060 was listed as the minimum GPU to even get the game to function. A GTX 1080 Ti or Radeon Vega VII were the recommended GPUs. An Intel i5-7500 was the minimum CPU and an Intel i5-8600 was recommended. It was enough to get Game Debate to dub it the most demanding PC game yet, as determined by their listed system requirements.

That has changed. Remedy has walked back the previous system requirements, and everything seems a lot more reasonable now. Here’s what you’ll need to run Control at its baseline specs:

Control's PC specs just got a lot less demanding screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Control’s PC specs just got a lot less demanding