Hideaki Anno, the infamous director of Neon Genesis Evangelion and Shin Godzilla, is set to write and produce a new Ultraman film, according to Japan Today via Game Informer.
The new Ultraman film, titled “Shin Ultraman,” will be directed by Shinji Higuchi, who also co-directed 2016’s Shin Godzilla with Anno. Higuchi is also known as a writer on Evangelion, and a director on Attack on Titan. The similar titles (“Shin” translates to “new”) is surely intentional, given the co-director’s artistic direction they took on the Godzilla film. IGN gave Shin Godzilla an 8.5 out of 10, saying it “establishes its own unique style while taking inspiration from the classics in all the right ways.”
Source: IGN.com Evangelion Director is Making a New Ultraman Movie