College is often the first time kids go away on their own, living far away from home in an entirely new setting. While it can be a little nerve-wracking for both parents and students, you can easily prepare your kids for the years ahead with the most important dorm room essentials.
If you’re a college student, prepare to encounter a few surprises along the next few months. If you’re a parent, you can’t be there to give your children all the comforts of home, these few dozen objects will help them get through the next four (or more) years on campus. Of course, it’s also nice to have a few gadgets as a reprieve from the non-stop studying. These items below won’t necessarily help students get through college courses, but rather, ensure that they make it through the day and show up refreshed for the next—plus we’ll be putting together a separate guide on the best school supplies in the coming days, so stay tuned.
Source: Dorm Room Essentials 2019: Everything Your Dorm Room Needs