Face of the Franchise (also known as QB1) is Madden NFL 20’s new story mode. Combining elements of Longshot and Superstar, previous story modes in the series, Face of the Franchise is a 90-minute guided narrative experience that takes your character through his college career and to the NFL.
How Face of the Franchise is Similar to Previous Madden Story Modes
Some of the mechanics in Face of the Franchise will look familiar to those who have played Longshot in Madden NFL 18 and 19. Longshot served as Madden’s story mode as you followed a couple high school teammates, a quarterback and a wide receiver, as they made their way through college and to the NFL. Longshot followed the duo’s ups and downs as they both struggled to get on (and stay on) NFL rosters.
Source: IGN.com How to Get Started With Madden 20's Face of the Franchise