Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s multiplayer mode will offer a variety of gear for players to support their battle efforts – including a Tamagotchi that feeds on death.

In case you entered this world after the ’90s, Tamagotchis were small wearable devices that contained virtual pets. These toys tasked children with keeping the Tamagotchi alive by feeding it, cleaning it, and keeping it happy – so far, so wholesome.

Developer Infinity Ward decided to implement a version of Tamagotchis in the new Call of Duty as an alternative to the vanilla wristwatch that players can choose to wear in multiplayer. While the ordinary watch will display your real-world time in game, CoD’s TomaGUNchis will be directly affected by your kill-death ratio.

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Source: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Has A Tamagotchi Kept Alive By Your Kills