Over the years dedicated servers for Call of Duty games have waxed and waned. Some games have them (typically for platforms like PC and Xbox), some don’t: leading to an infamous boycott for Modern Warfare 2. This time Modern Warfare will support them for everyone.

By way of a Game Informer cover story (as reported by Call of Duty mega-site Charlie Intel), we’ve now learned that Activision plans to provide Modern Warfare dedicated servers for all platforms. What’s interesting about this development is that Modern Warfare still plans on supporting cross-play, which will allow everyone, on all platforms (PC, PS4, Xbox One) to play together.

Between this, the aforementioned cross-play initiative, and the fact that there will be free content drops in lieu of a season pass, everything sounds pretty great on paper. Naturally a lot can go wrong from now until launch, but for now Activision is making all the right moves. That’s kind of their thing though right? To sound great initially then sneak in something less than savory afterward?

Either way we’ll find out definitively on October 25 as far as Modern Warfare is concerned.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare [Game Informer Issue 317 via Charlie Intel]

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has dedicated servers to go with its full cross-play program screenshot

Source: Destructoid Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has dedicated servers to go with its full cross-play program