There’s an excitement surrounding the release of Once & Future that you normally only find with major Marvel and DC projects. It’s not hard to understand why. The creative team alone is a huge draw, as superstar writer Kieron Gillen is teaming up with two of the best storytellers in the business, artist Dan Mora and colorist Tamra Bonvillain. Then there’s the story pitch, with Gillen, Mora and Bonvillain delivering a new take on the timeless formula of King Arthur returning to save a troubled, modern-day England. It’s a combination that works, mainly because it manages to subvert the usual Arthurian conventions.

It often seems as though Arthurian myths scratch the same basic itch as superhero stories. We long for a world where a powerful hero rises out of obscurity to battle injustice and impose justice on an unjust world. Whether that hero wears a mask and cape or wields an ancient, mystical sword, the end result is the same. Once & Future is a book that speaks directly to the fears and struggles of an England wracked by Brexit woes and a general sense of unrest and malaise. In the midst of that unrest, rumors of a long-dead king returning to life are beginning to spread, forcing an old woman named Bridgette McGuire to spring to action.

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Source: Once & Future Finds a Fresh Take on Arthurian Legends