Image Comics’ Skybound Entertainment imprint has revealed a new YA series called Heart Attack. Created by writer Shawn Kittelsen (Mortal Kombat 11) and Eric Zawadzki (The Dregs), Heart Attack focuses on a pair of superhuman teens who band together and rebel against a government that wants to deny them basic human rights.

Heart Attack is set in a world where gene therapy has eliminated disease but also led to the rise of superhumans called Variants. The series focused on two teen Variants named Charlie North and Jill Kearney, as the duo go on the run and rebel against an oppressive government.

Check out a preview of Heart Attack below:

Unsurprisingly, the series is heavily inspired by current events. In Image’s press release, Kittelson notes that the series has been in the planning stages since 2014, but has taken on new urgency in 2019.

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Source: New Skybound Series 'Heart Attack' Explores Superhuman Teens in Revolt