Despite being the lengthy, final chapter of Tom King’s main Batman run, “City of Bane” hasn’t gotten off to a particularly strong start. The series has been struggling in two main fronts lately. It’s failed to continue the narrative momentum established in “The Fall and the Fallen,” dwelling far too long on the villains of Gotham City and not nearly enough on Batman or Bane. It’s also been marred by questionable characterization. But with issue #77 marking the end of the first act of “City of Bane,” the series finally seems to be regaining its footing.

This issue is novel in that it hinges on a character who’s barely factored into King’s run before now – Damian Wayne. With Bane issuing a clear ultimatum preventing the Justice League from entering Gotham’s borders, of course it would be Batman’s arrogant little snot of a son, Damian, to defy the law. King employs his familiar split narrative technique in this issue, with the main storyline following Damian as he infiltrates Gotham and the interludes focusing on Batman’s reunion with Catwoman.

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Source: Batman: City of Bane Gets a Boost From Robin