Microsoft and The Coalition have touted Gears 5 as the series’ “biggest” entry to date, but more quietly, it’s also been working to make it the most accessible.

IGN spoke to The Coalition design director Ryan Cleven this week during Gamescom. During the interview, which you can watch in full above, Cleven addressed how the studio is working to make Gears 5 playable (and enjoyable) for “everybody.”

“We’ve really invested in as many ways we can to bring people into Gears, because it really is about having everybody play,” said Cleven. “It’s something that’s important to us as a studio, but also us as a company.”

In addition to fairly standard accessibility features, such subtitles and a narration mode for menus, Cleven mentioned a lock-on system in Gears 5 designed for beginners and players who can’t physically control both sticks simultaneously.

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Source: Gears 5 Accessibility a Priority for The Coalition