At Gamescom 2019, the CEO of Spiders Jehanne Rousseau discussed more details of GreedFall, the upcoming action-RPG that will be released on September 10, 2019, on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Speaking to IGN’s Brian Altano and Max Scoville, Rousseau talked about how a big part of GreedFall is about diplomacy, and revealed more about character customization, companions, factions, natives and the language created for them by Spiders, and so much more.

GreedFall is set in a world that is heavily inspired by 17th century Europe, but with a heavy influence of fantasy, magic and fantastical creatures. The Old World is plagued with a deadly, incurable disease called Malichor, but a remote and hidden island called Teer Fradee has been discovered that has been spared from it and may hold the key to curing the world of it.

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Source: GreedFall: An Unknown World That You Will Shape With Diplomacy