Overwatch has seen a lot of changes in the three years it’s dominated the hero-shooter genre. New heroes have been introduced, the rules of the game have been adjusted, and characters have had their weapons and classes altered in Blizzard’s endless pursuit of whatever the hell it is it’s doing with this game. On August 13, it saw perhaps its biggest change yet with the introduction of the Role Queue, forcing players into more balanced squads that feature two support, two tank, and two DPS units.

I’m not sold on it yet (If you want to hear more about my thoughts on the Overwatch Role Queue, check out this week’s episode of Podtoid where Chris Moyse and I discuss how the rule change affects the competitive nature of the game: just jump to the 8:00 mark), but I am interested to see how the game evolves around the restrictions.

However, it’s another evolution that’s far more fascinating to me; one I didn’t expect given her history. No, it’s not Brigitte who is now so much easier to kill with her weak-ass shield, but rather Symmetra, who with one small change, has suddenly become the most indispensable character in the game.

Once Overwatch's least played character, Symmetra is now the game's 'It Girl' screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Once Overwatch’s least played character, Symmetra is now the game’s ‘It Girl’