Sega has unveiled the Yakuza Remastered Collection, bringing enhanced versions of Yakuza 3, 4, and 5 to PlayStation 4 over the coming months, with part 3 available now.
For reasons it doesn’t appear to have elaborated upon, Sega has elected to stagger the release of the games within its Yakuza collection, despite the single up-front cost, with Yakuza 3 being followed by Yakuza 4 on 29th October, and Yakuza 5 early next year, on 11th February.
Each of the newly remastered Yakuzas will bring visual enhancements, with the original games’ 720p/30fps presentation boosted to 1080p at 60fps on PlayStation 4. Additionally, Sega says all three titles have gone through a “rigorous re-localisation process”, with scripts being reviewed, revised, and rewritten to more accurately reflect their original Japanese counterparts.
Source: Eurogamer Yakuza 3, 4, and 5 remasters heading west on PlayStation 4