Potential Minecraft apiarists can begin keeping their own bees as part of Minecraft Java Edition 1.15 snapshot 19w34a.

Bees in Minecraft behave much like bees in real life: they go about their business peacefully, making honey, buzzing, and enjoying life to the fullest.

Also like real-life bees, Minecraft’s newest mobs will leave you alone if you leave them alone. However, just like an action movie protagonist or real-world bees, if you push them too far, they will rain down upon you a world of pain.

Angered Minecraft bees’ eyes turn red, (the surest sign of anger), and multiple angry bees swarm you and fill your character with harmful poisons if provoked. Unlike normal bees, Minecraft bees are gigantic, measuring 0.6 blocks as adults and 0.3 as baby bees.

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Source: IGN.com Minecraft's New Bee Mobs Are Aces