Star War: The Clone Wars, the hit animated Star Wars TV series, is returning for a new season on Disney+. Today, Lucasfilm announced Star Wars: Clone Wars is coming to Disney+ on February 2020.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars ran for seven seasons between 2008 and 2013. Developed by Dave Filoni, The Clone Wars filled in the gaps during the Age of Republic. The series followed a pre-Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and introduced new characters like the popular Ahsoka Tano.

The Clone Wars was canceled in 2013, but last year Disney and Lucasfilm announced a new season was in development for the Disney+ streaming service. Filoni will return for the series and he promised at Comic-Con 2018 that the new season will continue the storylines that were left off when the show ended.

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Source: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Disney+ Release Window Announced