Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is shaping up to be one of the most faithful recreations of Dragon Ball Z’s story ever told in video game form, and while it is being framed as the story of Goku, we learned at Gamescom what many already suspected: Goku’s not the only playable character. Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Trunks were also announced as playable characters, with Tien, Chiaotzu, and Krillin serving as support characters.

I spoke with Ryosuke Hara, a producer at CyberConnect2 for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot about how the characters will differ from each other and how character progression would work for multiple characters. “The abilities in general of the characters are very similar in order to be user-friendly, even for people who play these kinds of games for the first time. But on the other hand, you are able to raise different skills and parameters for each character,” said Hara.

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Source: IGN.com Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Everything New We Learned at Gamescom