Much has changed since World of Warcraft debuted in 2004: Azeroth’s map has quadrupled in size; Deathwing twisted the landscape in Cataclysm; Arthas perished in Wrath of the Lich King; and Illidan has been introduced, killed, resurrected, and exiled again. But for players that have stuck it out for all 14 years, there is no better measurement of the passage of time than the memories of all the people you used to know. 2004 was pre-Facebook, pre-Twitter, and pre-Discord, which meant that a whole generation of internet friendships lived and died on World of Warcraft. We would only learn later how fraught that was, that those connections could be severed completely. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Ask any Warcraft veteran: We’ve all lost people. If only we had the foresight to ask for their full names during those endless Dire Maul runs. You know, just in case the unthinkable happened.
Source: New Tool Reunites Long Lost World of Warcraft Friends in Classic