Marvel Comics is celebrating its 80th anniversary in a number of ways in 2019, but the release of Marvel Comics #1000 easily ranks among the most ambitious. Each page of this 80-page special issue features a different creative team telling a story inspired by a particular year in Marvel’s history.

The launchpad for each story ranges from the debut of a major character to the appearance of a seminal storyline to the release of a landmark movie like Iron Man or Howard the Duck. The result is every bit as messy and disjointed as you’d expect from such an unusual undertaking, but still well worth reading for Marvel devotees.

Telling a complete, coherent story in a single page is an art form unto itself, and it goes without saying that some teams are more successful than others. The fundamental problem with Marvel Comics #1000 is that there isn’t really a cohesive theme or focus over the course of 80 pages, 80 teams, and 80 stories. Some stories follow a set theme, with heroes like Hulk, Thing, and Daredevil responding to a faceless interviewer asking about what motivates them. Others are basically bland origin story re-tellings. A great many others simply seek to tell a fun, quick story in the limited space available.

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Source: Marvel Comics #1000 Is for Hardcore Fans Only