In an eagerly anticipated event in Japan, Sega has lifted the veil off of Yakuza 7, and shown off a new direction for the series.
With Yakuza 6 wrapping up Kazuma Kiryu’s story, Yakuza 7 – its full title translates roughly as Yakuza 7: Whereabouts of Light and Darkness, though expect that to change whenever it finds its way westwards – stars all-new protagonist Ichiban Kasuga and is set in Yokohama. Oh, and it’s ditching the brawling action of past entries and will feature turn-based combat.
Gematsu has kindly translated the Japanese site to help provide more detail, with the story seeing Kasuga emerge from a lengthy spell behind bars and having to work his way up from the bottom in a Yokohama that promises to be some three times the size of Kamurocho. It’s the turn-based combat that will garner most attention, though, and while it’s not featured in the trailer a screenshot gives us a fair idea of how it will unfold.
Source: Eurogamer Yakuza 7 is formally announced, and it's a big departure for the series