The more time passes, the less it seems to matter what lasting impact Doomsday Clock may or may not have on DC’s comic book continuity. It’s becoming more and more difficult to reconcile the discrepancies between this series and other DC titles like Batman and Justice League. For better or worse, DC seems to have shifted gears in terms of focus and overall story direction. All that remains is one question – is Doomsday Clock telling a compelling story that adds something meaningful to the original Watchmen. The answer, despite some narrative quirks in issue #11, is still yes.

The state of the DCU has grown very dire as Doomsday Clock reaches its penultimate chapter. Thanks to Ozymandias’ orchestrations, the US and Russia are on the verge of all-out metahuman war. Superman is a public pariah, most of the Justice League are stranded on Mars and Batman and Wonder Woman alone are preventing the world from tipping into nuclear armageddon. It all parallels the climax of Watchmen very directly and very purposefully. In the process, this issue winds up summing up the current political climate all too well. Even in the DCU, the fear is now that good doesn’t triumph over evil and the tipping point is fast approaching.

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Source: Doomsday Clock Builds to a Tense but Messy Conclusion