Developer Illfonic is no stranger to pitting a few humans against a force of nature and pure terror as the developers of Friday the 13th. And after playing a couple of rounds of Predator: Hunting Grounds, the studio’s new, upcoming PS4 exclusive, I’m pretty convinced they’ve found a fun, tense, and balanced formula capitalizing on another beloved movie franchise for some multiplayer mayhem.

Predator: Hunting Grounds pits four human soldiers against the titular alien first made famous after going toe to alien-toe with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1987 film Predator. Stuck in the jungle, the soldiers need to complete a series of objectives, fight or slip by a hostile human faction of soldiers, and eventually get to the chopper, all while being hunted down by the Predator. Only one of those soldiers needs to make it to the helicopter in the end, and there are opportunities to revive downed teammates along the way. But the squad needs to do its best to defend against the Predator and human foes while also knocking out relatively simple quests (activating a few radio relays, holding down a certain location while a timer runs down, etc.).

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Source: Predator: Hunting Grounds Is a Blast as Predator (And Fun as a Human, Too)