The headlines will focus on Gears 5, and rightfully so. Microsoft’s policy of adding all its first-party games to Xbox Game Pass the day they release is one of the industry’s best bargains. That, alone, justifies the subscription price for a lot of people. Gears 5 — like Forza Horizon 4 and (I guess) Crackdown 3 before it– is the milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard.
But it’s the stuff that rounds out Xbox Game Pass that elevates it. Look no further than September’s new additions for a fine example. Over the course of the next two weeks, Xbox Game Pass is getting: Dead Cells (September 5), Metal Gear Solid HD Edition: 2 & 3 (September 5), Creature in the Well (September 6), Gears 5 Ultimate Edition (September 6), Enter the Gungeon (September 12), and Gonner (September 12).
There’s not a dud in the bunch. From brand new releases to beloved classics to some of the better indies in recent memory — it’s diverse and it’s quality. Xbox Game Pass just keeps getting better.
Coming Soon to Xbox Game Pass for Console: Gears 5, Dead Cells, and More [Xbox Wire]
Source: Destructoid Xbox Game Pass keeps getting better