Lego has been dabbling with video games for years, trying to blur the line between physical bricks and digital devices. And in its latest attempt, a toy range named Hidden Side, the world’s biggest toymaker treads down an increasingly popular route.
With Pokémon Go, Harry Potter and Minecraft already well invested in AR, and iOS’ ARKit technology able to provide increasingly impressive results, it is perhaps not surprising to see Lego also venture down the same path. But for a toy designed to spark imagination rather than simply show it on screen – is it a helpful addition or an unwelcome distraction?
Hidden Side is a toy range first, but its hook is how each set has an extra layer of playability when paired up with the free Hidden Side game for your mobile phone and tablet. Here’s how it looks in action:
Source: Eurogamer Lego's Hidden Side range further blurs the line between its physical toys and digital games