Focus Home Entertainment has released a launch trailer for Spiders morose RPG Greedfall, which launches today on PS4, PC and Xbox One.

The 17th century drama is the story of a band of explorers, who venture to the uncharted land of Teer Fradee, searching for a cure to a plague that is wiping out humanity. Upon arrival, the party becomes mixed up in a violent conflict with the island’s citizens, a roaming band of invaders, and the strange and paranormal inhabitants of the mysterious locale.

Greedfall bases much of its story events around the player’s choices, alliances and actions, with fragile relationships built and lost in the blink of an eye. The player will be accountable for their actions toward the people of Teer Fradee, their enemies, and even their own party members. To hear more about Greedfall, you can check out Patrick Hancock’s Review-in-Progress right here.

Greedfall launch trailer sets sail to Teer Fradee screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Greedfall launch trailer sets sail to Teer Fradee