If Tom King’s Batman run is, at its core, a love story between Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, then Batman #78 is one of the most important chapters in quite a while. This issue kicks off a short “City of Bane” interlude story that shifts focus squarely to that love story. This isn’t the strongest Bat/Cat issue we’ve seen from the series, but it’s definitely one of the prettiest.

We’ve seen Batman hit rock bottom in recent months, driving away his friends, being psychologically and physically broken by Bane, and even battling his own father over the fate of his mother’s corpse. Now begins the slow, painful progress of fighting back. Step 1 was clawing his way out of that pit and finding Selina. Step 2 is soaking up some sun and reconnecting with his long-lost lover. And if there’s time, undertake a mission that will weaken Bane’s stranglehold on Gotham City.

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Source: IGN.com Batman #78 Review: Another Classic Tale of Doomed Love