Like most games these days, Borderlands 3 is currently experiencing its fair share of launch-day issues. One of the most prominent manifests on PlayStation 4 when two players are playing in split-screen and one pops open the menu to tweak their gear or skills. After numerous players reported this issue and IGN confirmed it with our own testing, A 2K representative confirmed to us that it and Gearbox are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it. The complete statement follows.
“We are aware that in some cases during split-screen couch co-op play, players can experience lag while in heavy combat and one of the players goes into their ECHOdevice and tries to navigate the skill trees and menus. While we will continue to work to optimize the Borderlands 3 experience, we’d advise split-screen players to prep for combat ahead of big encounters, and not leave a teammate to fight solo mid firefight!”
Source: 2K Acknowledges Borderlands 3 Split-Screen Lag, Is Working on Fixes