One of the coolest reissues to come along in a while, Hasbro’s Vintage G1 Transformer line sells out about as fast as a toy line can sell out. Adding to the difficulties rounding up these awesome figures are retailer exclusivity and in-store-only listings for some of the more desirable figures.
Vintage G1 Transformers Devastator
- Vintage G1 Transformers Constructicon Devastator – Get it at Walmart for $74
The Vintage G1 line is made with the same molds and tooling as the original, 1980s toys, and feature the same awesome old-school packaging. The best part is they don’t cost hundreds, or thousands, of dollars like the original toys, so they’re an awesome pick-up for Transformers lovers who want the old-school aesthetics without the new-school price tags.
Source: Heads Up: Vintage G1 Transformers Constucticon Set Just Came Back Into Stock