Bandai Namco has released a trailer for the upcoming remaster of anime RPG Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, which is coming to PS4 and PC later this week.
Originally released for PS3 back in 2013, Wrath of the White Witch is the heartfelt tale of young Oliver who, guided by a fairy known as Drippy, travels into a strange and magical world on a quest to rescue his mother’s soulmate, Alicia. What follows is an action-packed adventure filled with lush environments and whimsical creatures, as one would expect from legendary animation team Studio Ghibli, who had a hand in Ni no Kuni‘s art design and also produced its in-game cinematics.
Source: Destructoid Return to the mystical world of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch