From GameWatcher: “Borderlands 3 is out now, and the main goal of the game isn’t defeating the evil Calypso Twins – it’s getting the sickest loot possible! Legendaries if you can. The big question is then, is there a Borderlands 3 loot cave – named for the infamous Destiny loot farming spot – where players can return and constantly farm the best loot?
The game’s only been out a few days, but players have indeed already discovered a guaranteed loot farming spot in Borderlands 3. It involves a Loot Tink – one of the little bandits who you have to chase and kill before they get away to get special loot. We’ll show you where to go to find this Loot Tink farming spot, and how to get guaranteed Legendaries – while it lasts!”
Source: N4G PC Borderlands 3 Loot Cave – Where is the guaranteed Loot Tink Legendary farm?