As American Horror Story slithers into its ninth season of “prestige schlock” – this time awesomely aping classic slasher flicks from the ’80s – heavyweight players Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters are gone (though no one’s ruling out cameos) and Emma Roberts, who started in “Coven,” is now the veteran series performer.
And it makes sense for Paulson and Peters to take a powder after this long, considering how last season’s “Apocalypse” tied together “Murder House” and “Coven” for one giant story that also required them to play multiple roles, as they revisited past parts. Their absence, plus an influx of new performers (including Matthew Morrison, Angelica Rossand, and actual Olympian Gus Kenworthy) and the infusion of retro-horror, make “Camp Redwood,” the 1984 season premiere, feel like a fresh turnaround.
Source: American Horror Story is Freaky and Fun Again