Afterparty, the next game from Night School Studio, hits PlayStation 4, Xbox One (including Game Pass), and the Epic Games Store (for PC and Mac) on October 29. Night School Studio is the team behind Oxenfree, a story driven adventure filled with choice. Afterparty looks to mix the small moments in life with unspeakable horror just as much, as it takes two best friends into the depths of Hell.

The player determines the actions and thoughts of Lola and Milo. Their task? Out drink the devil to regain life on Earth. Sounds doable, right? Afterparty is choice driven, so you’ll encounter a variety of outcomes depending on how you play your cards (and drink your booze). Activities include beer pong and chugging competitions.

Afterparty sounds little more comical than Oxenfree, but still looks just as gorgeous. October 29 can’t come soon enough.

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Source: Game Informer Afterparty, The Next Game From The Oxenfree Team, Arrives In October