Another major Smallville character is taking part in the Arrowverse’s Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. Hot on the heels of the news that Tom Welling is playing Clark Kent again, The CW announced Erica Durance will also reprise her role as the Lois Lane of the Smallville universe.

The CW confirmed Durance will appear in multiple episodes of the crossover. As with Welling’s Clark, Crisis will show fans what’s become of Durance’s Lois ten years after the series finale of Smallville.

This won’t actually be Durance’s first time appearing in the Arrowverse. She previously played Alura Zor-El in Supergirl: Season 3. It’ll be interesting to see if Kara points out the resemblance between her mother and this alternate universe Lois during the crossover.

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Source: Smallville's Lois Lane to Appear in Crisis on Infinite Earths