From Destructoid: “Other than the ongoing Switch port drama, things seem to be going pretty well for ArtPlay’s Bloodstained. It’ll probably pop up in a lot of Game of the Year lists in a few months, and according to a recent interview found in the latest issue of Game Informer, will likely be the springboard for an ongoing franchise.

Speaking to the outlet, Koji Igarashi (formally known as “IGA”) mused on Kickstarter, noting the pressure of the platform, and how it made him appreciate leaving a huge studio. But the absolute hardest part for him and his team? Quality control. IGA explains: “when your’e working with an outsourced studio, it can be difficult to match the quality line when things changed. With Bloodstained, we would first share our goal with the outsourced studio and make sure we both agree and determine the necessities, but even with proper planning it’s difficult to reach.”

Source: N4G PC IGA still has plans to make Bloodstained a series, WayForward helping to smooth out Switch port woes