Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 is coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles on November 22. With this, Civilization 6 will be available on every major home console.

Civilization 6 will be available for $59.99, but if you want all the expansions, you’ll have to purchase a separate Civilization 6 Expansion Bundle for $49.99. This bundle includes the Civilization 6 Rise and Fall expansion, Gathering Storm expansion, and 18 additional leaders.

The Civilization 6 Expansion Bundle will also be coming to the Nintendo Switch as well. The expansion bundle will be the same price on the Nintendo Switch.

Civilization 6 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will also include four additional content packs for Poland, Vikings, Australia, and Persia and Macedonia. PlayStation 4 users will also the the Nubia and Khmer and Indonesia scenario pack with the purchase of Civilization 6 on consoles. These packs will be available separately on Xbox One.

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Source: Civilization 6 Announced For PlayStation 4 and Xbox One