It’s Top 25 time, 1990s style… IGN’s readers voted in our poll to determine what the next Top 25 list we would tackle is, and the movies of the ’90s won!

Ah, the 1990s — what a glorious time to be a movie fan. It was an era when Tarantino was reshaping the indie landscape, Disney animation was in the midst of a renaissance, and Spielberg was churning out classics like a legend… to name just a few of the noteworthy trends of the time.

It was hard to narrow down this list to just 25 entries, but our entertainment staff voted and came up with the following. We considered several factors when putting together this list of the best of the best movies of the 1990s: Did they leave an imprint on the cultural zeitgeist of the time? Did their release affect the course of filmmaking, influencing the industry as a whole? And, of course, did we just *like* them?

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Source: The Top 25 '90s Movies