After a month of radio silence, the release date of Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2 has been announced. The free-to-play game will be arriving on October 1, which is less than a week away. This announcement did not come from Bandai Namco itself, but via The Drop, a blog run by Sony containing upcoming releases.
For those that need a refresher on the game, let me give you a quick run down. Battle Operation 2 is a free-to-play game that focuses on six-versus-six team battles. War is waged via mobile suits, with players also able to exit their mech for on-foot action as well. The games constantly growing roster of machines – which recently gained Zeong and MLRS variant of Gundam GP02 – is primarily focused on the original show and its spinoff materials. Said roster is pulled from everyone’s favorite gacha system, although there is a regular store that features many mechs that can be purchased with in-game currency.
It’s not all doom and gloom when it comes to expanding your selection however. Bandai Namco held a poll back in August to see what ten mobile suits players wanted for free on launch day. The results were the following:
Source: Destructoid Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2 finally arrives in the west October 1