Two new statues from DC Collectibles are making their debut at New York Comic Con, but IGN has a preview for you ahead of the show.

The first is a new addition to the Batman: Black and White line called the Batmonster. Based on a design from artist Greg Capullo, it features Batman transformed into a horrific owl creature as seen on the cover of the New 52’s Batman #6, rendered in black and white. The disturbing image comes from the events of Issue #5 where the Court of Owls break Batman’s psyche to the point where he hallucinates that he’s turning into an owl himself.

Check out new figure and the art pages from Capullo on which it’s based:

The second new collectible we have for you is a new DC Cover Girls statue of Harley Quinn designed by artist Frank Cho. The DC Cover Girls showcases iconic DC women as depicted by iconic artists who have drawn the characters. It speaks to Harley Quinn’s popularity that she already has a DC Cover Girls figure in her classic getup by artist Joelle Jones and now she’s getting a second, unmasked rendition by Cho.

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Source: New Batmonster and Harley Quinn Statues Coming From DC Collectibles