Minit, the quirky, critically acclaimed 60-second puzzle adventure from Willem Nijman, Dominik Johann, Jukio Kallio, and Kitty Calis, is currently free on the Epic Store.

In Minit, players embark on a spirited, bite-sized adventure, presented something like an old-school top-down Game Boy RPG. Step outside the front door of Minit’s duck-like protagonist and you’ll find a whole monochrome world of mysteries, enemies, people in need of help, and secrets waiting to be discovered. The problem, however, is that there’re exactly 60 seconds to get everything done, and once the clock hits zero, our plucky hero keels over dead.

The challenge, then, is to push forward as best you can, usually in fits and starts, memorising steps, solving puzzles, and uncovering secrets that might provide a more efficient means of reaching your goal. Items and other key elements persist between runs, and if you manage to get to a safe house on your adventure, that’s where your 60 seconds begin next time around.

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Source: Eurogamer Quirky 60-second puzzle adventure Minit is currently free on the Epic Store