This is a review of Netflix’s Big Mouth, which premieres on Friday, October 4, 2019.

For such a young show, the trajectory of Big Mouth’s quality skyrocketed from its first season to its second. Season 2 was the show’s initial thesis pretty much perfected, but by no means did it feel like it blew its load too early. It’s disappointing, then, that Season 3 feels like the show dozed off right after it climaxed.

The season’s problems come early and often. Some episodes feel as though they’ve been run through the same equation. The first two, for example, each present a conflict through the eyes of one character, and then change it through another, and end with a big, sweeping musical number. The themes explored are more than worthwhile (the season premiere dives into the idea of social exclusion from within the feminism movement via a strong Missy arc, while the second episode relays the vast spectrum of sexual orientations in a thoughtful, inclusive manner), but the fact that the writers use the same tricks twice in a row is immediately a little off-putting, well-intended as the approach may be.

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Source: Netflix's Big Mouth Season 3 Review