This is an advanced, spoiler-free review of the Castle Rock Season 2 premiere, titled “Let the River Run,” which debuted at New York Comic Con 2019. The first three episodes of Season 2 will premiere on Hulu on Wednesday, October 23.
Misery never felt quite so good as it does in the Season 2 premiere of Hulu’s Castle Rock, which brings Kingverse villainess Annie Wilkes (Masters of Sex star Lizzy Caplan) to the small Maine town when she and her daughter, Joy (portrayed by Eighth Grade’s Elsie Fisher), are waylaid after a car accident. Hulu’s decision to allow (or compel?) showrunners Dustin Thomason and Sam Shaw to go the anthology route with something “wholly original” for their second outing appears to have paid off. Caplan’s Wilkes is a creative fresh coat of paint for the series, and even though the town looks the same outwardly, its narrative inner-workings are already more intriguing than Season 1.
Source: Stephen King's Cast Rock Season 2 Premiere Review