The first trailer for AMC’s currently untitled third Walking Dead series debuted at New York Comic Con. The new series focuses on a new generation of survivors who have grown up after the zombie apocalypse has taken over.

Watch the first trailer below:

The Walking Dead universe show will debut in Spring 2020, and the trailer clearly shows a tonal shift from The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. As the first generation that has grown up in the apocalypse, these children are actually relatively sheltered. This show is set a decade after the apocalypse hit.

In the trailer, we see them in a university-like area called NSU with classes, athletics programs (hello, NSU Golden Stingers) and other seemingly familiar elements of childhood — though, of course, all focused around surviving in a post-apocalyptic zombie-filled world. Dialogue in the trailer says 9,071 people live in this society, and executive producer Scott Gimple revealed another important level to this civilization during the NYCC panel.

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Source: The Walking Dead Third AMC Series Debuts First Trailer at NYCC