While we have a new kind of Yakuza story to look forward to next year, newcomers and old fans alike can savour the whole of Kazuma Kiryu’s saga on PS4, which gets rounded up in the Yakuza Remastered Collection, which contains Yakuza 3, 4 and 5. Pre-orders for the physical collection are at their lowest price – £36.95 – via The Game Collection.

The physical collection releases on 11th February 2020, though if you buy the digital version via PSN, each entry will be available to download at different dates, with Yakuza 3 already live, Yakuza 4 releasing 29th October, while Yakuza 5 releases 11th February.

However, collectors who wait won’t only be making a saving: the collection also comes with a bonus empty PS3 case for Yakuza 5 – which makes up for the fact that its Western PS3 release was digital only.

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Source: Eurogamer Save on the Yakuza Remastered Collection