Following several unfortunate delays, Taito’s retro remake The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors will finally be arriving in North America on October 15, where it will be available for purchase on PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

The Ninja Saviors is the localised title for The Ninja Warriors: Once Again, the second remake to date of Taito’s 1987 arcade classic The Ninja Warriors. This revamped edition retains the audio-visual style of the original release, but includes a new engine, several new modes including two-player co-op and Time Attack, as well as two new unlockable characters, Raiden and Yaksha.

The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors hits North America on PS4 and Switch next week screenshot

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Source: Destructoid The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors hits North America on PS4 and Switch next week