Bungie’s formula of giving and taking away is in full swing this week, as Destiny 2‘s latest update has been revealed.

The major alteration involves the Crucible (PVP) and a “server-side change” that reduced heavy ammo spawn rates earlier this week, which they addressed in detail in this week’s post: “Experimentation with the 3v3 Elimination game mode is ongoing in the Crucible Labs. The first settings we deployed saw heavy ammo spawning 90 seconds into every round. Revive tokens were also enabled. There was a bug causing heavy ammo to spawn in instantly, but we were able to get that fixed with a server change. This week, these settings were slightly adjusted. Instead of receiving revive tokens, players can revive as many times as they are able—but the revive timer grows longer each time a player goes down.”

Iron Banner, the premiere PVP event, is also coming back and will run from 10AM PT on October 15 through 10AM PT October 22. You can snag the “Iron Will” armor set through countless hours of grinding if you want, but the way rewards work is changing. Bungie is calling for a new seasonal pursuit, which you need to finish before tokens can be turned in. It’s character-based and will reward armor or weapons along the way, but only matches and bounties will reward gear until you finish the pursuit.

That’s it! Nothing too exciting this week, but the current Season of the Undying cycle will continue to evolve.

This Week at Bungie [Bungie.net]

Destiny 2 reduces heavy ammo spawns in PVP, Iron Banner coming next week  screenshot

Source: Destructoid Destiny 2 reduces heavy ammo spawns in PVP, Iron Banner coming next week