Phil writes, “Playtonic Games is made up in part of former Rare staffers from the developer’s golden years with Nintendo, before the buyout from Microsoft. It’s nothing that the company has been coy of hinting at–what, with its logo, its first game being a take on Banjo-Kazooie and now its second game being a take on Donkey Kong Country. While the original Yooka-Laylee did not impress all who played it (and that’s putting it lightly), the old saying is true: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
And, that’s what the precocious folks at Playtonic Games have done with its second foray with Yooka and Laylee, a chameleon and bat duo, with its clearly Donkey Kong Country-inspired Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. It’s complete with familiar gameplay, being able to roll and jump off the edges of platforms to impressive effect, and it even has alliterated level names to hit a particular nostalgia spot for me. While Playtonic’s take on Banjo-Kazooie didn’t overly delight…
Source: N4G PC Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (PS4, NSW, XB1, PC) Review | SPC