It’s that magical time of year where we’re preparing for our 25-hour stream to raise money for Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul, Minnesota! On November 2, starting at 8 a.m. Central, we’ll be streaming games, auctioning off rare items, and throwing pies to raise some money and help some kids. You can follow along and donate on, YouTube, and Twitch. We’ll be updating this story in the near future with a full rundown of the schedule and list of the items up for auction.

You can get started by joining Team Game Informer on Extra Life to help raise money towards the goal, or please leave comments below with what you would like to see from the stream this year.

If you need a reminder of what these streams are like, you can watch the archive of 2018’s Extra Life charity stream below. And, yes, this year we’re planning to bring back some of Game Informer’s former employees to help.

Click here to watch embedded media

Source: Game Informer Get Ready For Game Informer's Extra Life 2019 Charity Stream!