Despite its faults, I will always look back on my time with the original Luigi’s Mansion fondly. After being forced to play as Luigi for years as my older brother would always get to be first player, it was nice to see Nintendo put him in a game of his own; one full of personality and ghostly characters that felt as though they had a long, family history. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon got rid of a lot of that personality, replacing it with more — specifically, more mansions, more variety, and more replay value.

In my discussions with Luigi’s Mansion fans, I’ve found many have a strong preference for either game, some favoring the characterization of the first while others go for the wonderful Scarescrape mode of the sequel. It’ll be interesting to see what these groups think of Luigi’s Mansion 3 when they get their hands on it at the end of the month. Because it’s shaping up to be the best of both worlds and so much more.

Yes, you can pet the Polterpup in Luigi's Mansion 3 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Yes, you can pet the Polterpup in Luigi’s Mansion 3