Batman #81 seems designed as a companion piece to Batman #72, the issue that methodically laid out how everything in this series ties together as part of Bane’s overarching plot to break Batman. This time, writer Tom King methodically lays out Batman’s side of the story, revealing just what the Dark Knight actually knew and what’s been fueling him since that night his back was broken a second time. Unfortunately, it’s an approach that doesn’t connect nearly as well the second time around.

For all that this series has done to establish itself as one of DC’s best monthly comics over the past three years, it’s having a surprisingly difficult time sticking the landing in “City of Bane.” This arc lacks the dramatic tension one would expect from the climax of such a long-running story. The simple fact that we haven’t even seen Bane for more than a couple panels in this entire story definitely contributes to that underwhelming feeling. After spending so much time elevating Bane and Thomas Wayne as the ultimate threat to Bruce Wayne’s personal happiness, the series only seems interested in focusing on one of those two antagonists. Needless to say, this issue’s cover is just the latest example of the cover not matching the actual story being told within.

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Source: Batman's Feud Bane Loses Steam